Tuesday, November 24, 2015

3rd Posting

Using the stamp clone tool and the burn tool, I was able to eliminate
the baton out of Grace's right hand.  I cloned her skin tone to match where the
baton was and cloned the black from her shorts to layer over the baton.

My 2nd update:  Cutting out the images

Grace:  image cut out with baton in her hand

Ava:  image cut out but needs some finer tweaking around her hair

Will:  image cut out

Wednesday, November 18, 2015


Digital Storyboard: Proposal

My proposal for the final exam is to create a storyboard using 
a few of my personal photographs.  I have selected a series of shots focusing on 
my 3 children during some of their Track & Field competitions.  Their form and composition 
of their bodies while running has always been intriguing to me.  
By using at least 3 different photo images, 
and with the help of PhotoShop, I will create a series of "in motion" stills.
 This process will involve:  cutting out their images from their
 original backgrounds;  cutting/pasting their arms and legs to alternate and move;
  and any other special effects (like blurring and smudging) to enhance the still shots.
My finished product will most likely consist of MORE than 5 print quality stills.  

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Here is my 1st attempt with creating a "Frame Animation."  I tried using my pencil tool to create a generic growing flower.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

 MadLib Project

Here is my updated "superimposed" photo using my 5 words that have been created into a sentence.

Here it is:
"The grumpy family descended the stairs of the Field Museum shop holding a controversial clock."

Saturday, November 7, 2015

Our next class assignment, is to do a "MadLibs" project.  It consists of taking 5 words (randomly chosen) and putting them together to make a new sentence.  My words chosen are:
"Grumpy, Museum, Clock, Family & Descending"

So... My sentence will be:  

"The Grumpy familydescended from the Field Museum holding a new clock."

(I'm not sure yet if I will name the family "Grumpy" or if I will describe them as "grumpy."
More to follow...