Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Monday, October 19, 2015

Next Project- Creating a Vinyl Copy of My Design

Looking ahead to the project on Wednesday, I've created a design 
that I will hopefully be able to use as a vinyl cut-out.  
I really like how the white positive space jumps out of 
the black background.

Experimental vector designs:

Experiment #6

Experiment #7

Experiment #8

Experiment #9

Experiment #10

Experiment #11

Experiment #12 - MY FAVORITE!

"Finished product:  9 different iterations

 of my vector logo"

iteration #1-Contour line 

iteration #2- 2-3 color flat tone

iteration #3-clipping mask/transform pattern

iteration #4-gradient fills

iteration #5-offset paths/outline stroke

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Today, I have been working on creating 9 different iterations of my vector logo design.
They will consist of:
  1. Contour lines  (Just lines- offset path)
  2. 2-3 color flat tone (no shadowing or fancy techniques- just color)
  3. Clipping mask and transform pattern
  4. Gradient fills
  5. Offset paths/outline stroke
  6. Experiment!
  7. Experiment!
  8. Experiment!
  9. Experiment!

Iteration #1- Contour Line

Iteration #1- Contour Line with different weighted strokes

Iteration #5- Offset paths/outline stroke

Iteration #2-  2-3 Color Flat Tone

Experiment!  *This is my favorite so far!!!


Thursday, October 8, 2015

Currently, this is what I have for my demo design.  I've joined the line segments together, creating three separate pieces inside the circle:  the curled line down the middle, and the left and the right segments.    

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

     "Refined Draft of my selected Logo Concept"

       Here is my idea of how I would like to highlight and shade certain aspects of my design.                                                                                                                                                                                It has a softness and a feeling of movement, which I really like.  

Monday, October 5, 2015

Getting Closer!

Here is another attempt at my logo.  This is definitely my favorite so far!  I'm looking forward to adding weighted lines to give this some definition and dimension.  

This skeletal design is a breakdown of my logo.  The soft yellow lines represent the framework for the ellipses.  The black lines make up the backbone of my initials.  These black lines will be the main component that I will be working on to enhance the logo.

This is my 3rd creation of my logo.  I've added different elements to this design and it is starting to take on the shapes I am looking for.  (Again, the added elements on the sides are NOT apart of the design-  just practice.)  

Here is my 2nd attempt with creating my logo design on Adobe Illustrator.  I've added the extra shapes on the sides to practice using my scissor tool.   

This is my first rendering of my logo design on the Adobe Illustrator program.  This is the basic layout from which I will be enhancing upon.

Chosen logo design- "I"

After discussing with my group in class which logo design I'd like to follow up on, I've decided that design "I" (from my previous post) will be my final choice.  While creating this image on the Adobe Illustrator program, I will be able to use the mirror tool and circle and sphere shapes to give the letters "J" & "K" their soft curves.