Monday, September 7, 2015

"Graffiti Art- Inspired By Design"

Bold, ironic and larger-than-life...  This is what originally caught my attention from the talented French artist Julien Malland, otherwise known as "Seth Globepainter."  This is one of his newer renderings (according to Christopher Jobson, from August 4, 2015) on a street in Montreal.  Being a runner myself and a mother of three children that also love to run, this particular style of mural was of interest to me - combining the mix of children, art and running.  I also loved the contradictory play on the raw bricks vs. the painted bricks to give this dimension.   

This work of art on the streets of Paris, entitled "Paint the Rainbow" was again posted by Christopher Jobson on May 30, 2013.  This totally reminded me of my daughter Ava doing sidewalk chalk paintings on our driveway.  I'm amazed at how Globepainter was able to make it look like the child is actually "picking up" the building to paint underneath.  

I could not find a title for this next image, but I would personally call it "Void From the Ladder."
This reminds me of the classic children's book "Harold and his Purple Crayon."  Again, I discovered this faceless image from Jobson's post from May 30, 2013 and really liked at how dimensional this image is.  The bottoms of his sneakers look as if they are extended from the building.

And lastly, this nameless work of art found in an alley in China (again found from Jobson's post from 2013) is depicted amongst urban life.  It is a rare portrayal of Globepainter showing a face to this local person of interest.  I am particularly drawn to his work showing the contradictions between rubble and colorless zones, and then to be able to transform that section of the world with life, color and vibrancy. 


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