Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Vector Drawing - Phase 3 (With the addition of Stylized Elements)

Phase 3 - Vector Drawing

     In this latest post, I am showing the differences between the basic outlining drawing on the left to the tweaked drawing on the right by using styling elemental tools.  I've incorporated heavy stroke weighted lines and have added depth with full contrast "filled" contouring.  Stroke color also played a role in this drawing, along with dashed lines and arrow-led line formations.  Typeset lettering and numbers have also added a touch of dimension to the latest rendering and I'm really proud of how much the details add to the drawing.  
     I found out that I've really enjoyed working with the pen tool the most.  It was fairly easy to manipulate and with adding different stroke settings to the lines, they were my favorite tools to incorporate.  However, I still struggle with making smoother edges with the line by using the techniques from the Bezier practice drawing.      

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